Thursday, September 24, 2009

"Choo Choooo"

It seems every time we go into a store that has one of those wooden train tables, Aubrey goes nuts. So going into Toys'R'Us the other day to get diapers, we see they have them on super-clearance type sale and ended up getting one! We told ourselves it was going to be her Christmas present. Well we must have hit winter pretty quick cause Nicole had it assembled the next night!

Aubrey loves it! She shouts "Choo Chooo!" whenever she wants to play. And she always wants to share her trains. If you are not at the table, she will bring you a choo choo. I am very happy we got it, and really happy we set it up earlier than Christmas! It's so worth seeing the look on her face every morning she runs to it.


  1. Just stopping by to say I really do admire both of you as photographers. You both produce truly inspiring photos. I'm still learning photography myself. =) BTW, Your post-processing is absolutely fabulous. I wish I can get my images to look like that. Did you go to any workshops? Would you recommend other amateurs like me to attend? I am hesitant because those classes are expensive and I am only a stay-at-home military wife/mom. I don't think I can afford to go for the prices they are asking. Any advice? Thanks!

  2. Thank you for the compliments! Actually neither of us have attended any workshops yet. Not that I don't believe in them, just haven't had the time. Mike has just spent a lot of time at the bookstore as well as searching Photoshop or Lightroom techniques on Youtube. Hope that helps somewhat! : )
