Welcome to another Before & After Tuesday. This is the day where I pick out a photo I am working on and show you the before - or straight out of camera (SOTC), and the after - everything I've done to the image on the computer.
Today's photo is from Mary Bridget & Brian's wedding earlier this month. This image was taken down by Lake Mendota at the Memorial Union. Nicole was taking the primary shot here and I was off to the side (which is why they are not looking directly at the camera in this one). I was using the 20d with the 50/1.4. This is the SOTC shot...

And now for the After. Starting out in Lightroom 2, I boosted the exposure on some dark shady spots, then increased saturation and sharpening. Next up is Photoshop. In Photoshop I cloned out the bird flying in the sky on the left, as well as the individual who was sitting by the lake on the right. Next I darkened the sky a bit to bring out the blue. Then I ran a series of actions to adjust the tones and colors to get a slight faded look to the photo as well as added some slight texture. Finally I blurred the left and right sides so the eye is drawn more to the subjects. I know it isn't for everyone, but I love the faded/blurred look to photographs. The end result is below.

Let me know if this is helpful, or if anyone is interested in seeing something else for Before & After Tuesdays. Leave a comment or facebook us where I also post the Before & After's in an album.
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