September was a memorable month for 5th Street Photography! Putting on the Photography Benefit was one of the most wonderful things we've done thus far. We raised $1100.00 to go towards the Meriter NICU and met so many wonderful families and children in the process. It was great getting to know each one of these people and seeing them come together for a united cause was beautiful!
Coming in October there will be some additions added onto 5th Street Photography's website. We will be now offering things like: prints, albums, canvases, extra DVD's, and wedding websites! We are super excited to offer these exciting new features to you!
This coming month we will be meeting so many new people: Couples, Seniors & Families. We look forward to seeing you all very soon!! Now, I must go before I burn my daughter's dinner...
Every blog needs a picture, so I thought I would leave you with an image from winter. So we can all remember, it's not that cold yet ;o)