Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hope for Kasia

Welcome to February and my goal of writing a blog post every M-F from now until October!

To start things off, I wanted to talk about the Hope for Kasia event Nicole, Aubrey and I attended this last weekend. One of the families we took photos for back in 2009 were putting together this event to help raise money for a baby girl they were adopting. When we found out about it, we jumped at the chance to donate our talent to help capture this all the love they received. Krysia and Guy had a wonderful turn out of many friends and family who came, bowled, had caracutures done and won fabulous raffle prizes. We were glad to be a part of it and wish the Strattons all the best as their family grows!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

New job & Winter Landscapes

I have not been updating the blog as of late. You can say I'm getting ready to save all our material for when I start my goal of blogging every M-F starting February until the end of October. That means I will be

Another reason I haven't been updating the blog lately is due to my new 9-5 job I started last week. When we started 5th Street Photography, I was working in IT for 11 years at the same company. Then early 2009 my position was eliminated along with some others; so I pursued photography full time and helped Nicole out with 5th Street Child Care. Well, with the economy not being the greatest and me wanting to meet our goal to provide decent package prices, I decided to get back into the work force. So I accepted a position with a bank where I will be doing operational and IT duties.

What does this mean for 5th Street Photography? It means we will still be able to provide our competitive prices which people have liked about us, and that I will be able to do more photography than when I was at my last IT job. The bank is a strict M-F job with no on-call support; therefor all my weekends are free for weddings, family or children portraiture. If you have questions about this new change, feel free to email us or comment on the blog or on our 5th Street Photography facebook page!

Today's blog pics are some landscape pictures I took last weekend. Landscape photography was the original hobby that got me to pick up my first camera. So here are some early morning shots near the Wisconsin River after the prior days fog frosted onto the tree's making them a pearly white.

Sauk-Prairie is known for it's Bald Eagle watching days. This is the time of year when eagles flock everywhere looking for food.
A very calm Wisconsin River.
How many Bald Eagles do you see in this shot?

If you are interested in seeing more of my scenic landscape shots from last weekend, check out our 5th Street Photography facebook page!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Retro post

Time to fire up the flux capacitor and take a trip in the way back machine!

Nicole does a fantastic job of updating our 5th Street Photography Facebook page. One of the comments that came across from our friends was to post our baby pics. So Nicole and I did some digging and found a bunch of our old photos. We haven't done any touch ups to these, they are shown as the actual photo looks. I figure so many photographers these days add textures, so why not leave the original scratches and dirt on there : )

And now, here is Baby Nicole:
Here is Nicole blowing whistles with her little brother Josh.
She is so adorable! I think Aubrey gets her good looks from her mom.
Halloween with her little brother Josh beneath the cookie monster mask.
One of Nicole's favorite photos. Doesn't she look like Walter Matheau in this picture?

And now here are some shots of baby Mike:

Check out the plaid! : )

I hated having my fingernails clipped.
Nicole swears I look like Aubrey in this shot.
Yup, pretty proud of my slide.

If you are on Facebook and haven't become a fan of 5th Street Photography, look us up! We usually post more photos on our facebook pages than what we put on the blog.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Randomness of Aubreyness with point'n'shoot

Greetings and happy 2010 blog readers!

The holiday season is typically slow for photographers. It is usually the time we spend with our families and think about the upcoming year. Our forthcoming year is shaping up to be fantastic! We already have several weddings and family sessions booked; and so far we will be participating in at least a couple more benefits and charities in 2010. As always, we are committed to helping others in the community and providing the best possible friendly and professional service to you. If you are interested in our photography and want to know more, feel free to give us a call or send us an email!

And as every post needs a pic, here are a few of our daughter we took with our point'n'shoot during the holiday. Don't underestimate the point'n'shoot - the ability to bring it wherever you go makes it a great tool for documenting the small things in life - like trips to the store, going on walks, or wherever life takes you...

Chillin at Culvers getting some frozen custard after seeing the holiday lights at Olin Park in Madison.
Retail stores can be super fun if there are hats to try on..
Aubs sayin "I make this look good!".
On our way home Aubs fell asleep, clutching her cup in her arms.

I'll be updating the blog more frequently starting in February. My goal this year is to do a blog post every M-F starting Feb into Nov! So expect some pretty interesting posts when I'm not talking about photography, sharing our knowledge and experiences, or talking about our family happenings.